{% extends "site_base.html" %} {% load account_tags %} {% load bootstrap %} {% load i18n %} {% load site_defaults %} {% block head_title %}{% trans "Plenum: Password Reset" %}{% endblock %} {% user_display request.user as user_display %} {% block body %}

{% trans "Password Reset" %}

{% blocktrans %}You forgot your password? Please enter the Email address you used to register below. You will receive a message with a link to reset your password.{% endblocktrans %}

{% csrf_token %} {{ form|bootstrap }}

{% blocktrans with email='DEFAULT_CONTACT_EMAIL'|get_setting %}In case resetting your password does not work, please contact us at {{ email }}.{% endblocktrans %}

{% endblock %} {% block extra_body %} {% endblock %}