{% load i18n %} {% if full %} {% load markdown %} {% load guard %} {% endif %}
{% if argument.icon %}
{% if argument.type == 'contra' %}{% trans "AGAINST" %}{% elif argument.type == "pro"%}{% trans "IN FAVOR" %}{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {{argument.title}}
{% if argument.icon %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if full %}{% trans "Show less" %}{% else %}{% trans "Show more" %}{% endif %}
{% include 'fragments/like.html' with author=argument.user has_liked=argument.has_liked target=argument show_text=0 show_count=1 with_link=0 %} chat_bubble{% if not argument.has_commented %}_outline{% endif %} {{argument.comments.count}}
{% if full %}
{% include "fragments/avatar.html" with user=argument.user size=55 %}
{{argument.user.get_full_name|default:argument.user.username}} {{argument.created_at}}
{% include 'fragments/like.html' with author=argument.user has_liked=argument.has_liked target=argument show_text=1 show_count=0 with_link=1 %}
{% if comments %}
{% trans "Comments" %}
{% endif %}
{% for comment in comments %} {% include 'fragments/comment/item.html' %} {% endfor %}
{% if comments.count >= 2 %} {% trans "Show less" %} {% endif %} {% guard can_comment argument %} {% if can_comment %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
chronos@localhost /usr/local/demo/abstimmungstool $ cat templates/fragments/argument/item.html {% load i18n %} {% if full %} {% load markdown %} {% load guard %} {% endif %}
{% if argument.icon %}
{% if argument.type == 'contra' %}{% trans "AGAINST" %}{% elif argument.type == "pro"%}{% trans "IN FAVOR" %}{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {{argument.title}}
{% if argument.icon %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if full %}{% trans "Show less" %}{% else %}{% trans "Show more" %}{% endif %}
{% include 'fragments/like.html' with author=argument.user has_liked=argument.has_liked target=argument show_text=0 show_count=1 with_link=0 %} chat_bubble{% if not argument.has_commented %}_outline{% endif %} {{argument.comments.count}}
{% if full %}
{% include "fragments/avatar.html" with user=argument.user size=55 %}
{{argument.user.get_full_name|default:argument.user.username}} {{argument.created_at}}
{% include 'fragments/like.html' with author=argument.user has_liked=argument.has_liked target=argument show_text=1 show_count=0 with_link=1 %}
{% if comments %}
{% trans "Comments" %}
{% endif %}
{% for comment in comments %} {% include 'fragments/comment/item.html' %} {% endfor %}
{% if comments.count >= 2 %} {% trans "Show less" %} {% endif %} {% guard can_comment argument %} {% if can_comment %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %}