{% load i18n %}

{{ initiative.votes.count }} {% if initiative.votes.count == 1 %} {% trans "Participant" %}{% else %} {% trans "Participants" %}{% endif %} {% if closed %}{% trans "have voted for this proposal" %}{% else %}{% trans "have voted for this proposal so far" %}{% endif %}.

{% if closed %}{% trans "This represented" %}{% else %}{% trans "This represents" %}{% endif %} {% widthratio initiative.votes.count user_count 100 %}{% trans "percent of" %} {{user_count}} {% trans "eligible partipants" %}.{% endblocktrans %}

{% if vote %}

{% trans "You have voted with:" %}

{% if vote.in_favor %} thumb_up
{% trans "In Favor" %}
{% elif vote.against %} thumb_down
{% trans "Against" %}
{% else %} panorama_fish_eye
{% "Abstained" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %} {% if user.is_authenticated %}

{% trans "You have not participated in this vote." %}

{% endif %} {% endif %}